Camellia japonica as the floral emblem of Qingdao, In recent years, concerned. 耐冬山茶作为青岛市的市花,近年来备受关注。
Camellia japonica Pollen Vigor and Determination of Artificial Pollination Research 耐冬山茶(Camelliajaponica)花粉活力测定及人工授粉研究
Here we introduces common exotic plant species to South Africa, such as Jacaranda acutifolia, Ceiba insignis, Spathodea campanulata, Camellia japonica, Bougainvillea spectabilis, etc. 本文介绍了南非园林绿化上常用的外来树种蓝花楹、美丽异木棉、火焰木、茶花、簕杜鹃等;
Effects of Shading on Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Camellia japonica Seedlings 遮荫对茶花幼苗生长及生理特性的影响
Observation on Flower Period and Flower and Leaf Form of Camellia japonica 山茶花花期及花、叶形态观察
TISSUE CULTURE OF Camellia japonica 山茶花的组织培养
The endangered causes of Camellia japonica and its in-situ conservation in islands around Qingdao city, Shangdong Province 山东青岛沿海岛屿耐冬山茶濒临灭绝的原因及其就地保护问题
Camellia japonica through radiation treatment strengthencold-resistance. 辐射处理的山茶花抗寒性增强。
Research on Three Mutation Species of Camellia Japonica 三个山茶花异变品种初报
Study on Camellia japonica population size structure and spatial pattern 中国分布北界的山茶(Camelliajaponica)种群大小结构和空间格局分析
Selection of Artificial Potting Media and Formulations of Fertilization for Camellia japonica 山茶花人工盆栽基质及施肥配方的选择
Camellia japonica belongs to the Camellia of Theaceae. 山茶(Camelliajaponica)属于山茶科山茶属植物,根和花可入药。
Camellia japonica bee pollen is well known as a natural nutrition and health food. 山茶蜂花粉是一种营养丰富的物质,具有很好的保健作用。